The S.J Abed General Enterprises LTD will provide high quality Catering services and we will strive to ensure that our employees are fully competent in their craft and skills and committed to continual improve the quality of our works. We believe that in order to fully assure achievement of quality it is also necessary to maintain sound management of environment, health and safety. A sound integrated management system will assure our competitiveness in the market, ensure satisfaction of our customers, employees and general public. The risks to people, property and the environment are controlled and reduced so far as reasonably practicable. Our goal is customer satisfaction, safe and healthy work environment & continued business growth.

We, therefore, hereby commit to:
  • Satisfy our customers by understanding their requirements and exceeding those expectations whenever possible.
  • Build learning, sharing culture, and thereby promote continuing improvement in our business.
  • Proactively reduce occupational and illness risks. Promote employees health and well being.
  • Motivate, train, empower and engage our employees in our efforts relating to quality, health, safety and the environment.
  • The QHSE Policy is appropriate to the purpose & context of the organization & supports its strategic direction, including the nature, scale & environmental impacts of its activities, products & services
  • Identify hazards and Aspects, analyze their impacts in QHSE performance, and implement controls to minimize losses or damage to people, protect the environment, equipment and assets.
  • ensure the health and safety at work of all our people and any other people who may be affected by our work activities by eliminating hazards and reducing HSE risks and committed to consultation and participation of workers and where they exist, workers representative.
  • The organisation provides a framework for setting QHSE objectives with targets to evaluate results and strive to continuously improve these at all times.
  • Ensure our activities comply with the standards and legal laws of UAE and other international regulations applicable to our business for its compliance obligations.
  • Aggressively pursue pollution prevention, energy conservation and waste reduction.
  • Provide copies of this policy, upon request, to all interested parties.

The QHSE Policy is communicated and understood to all employees and is available to relevant interested parties. Management reviews the QHSE Policy & Objectives in management review meeting to determine the policy’s and is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports its strategic direction, and actions to address the risk and opportunities.